Whether you’re cramming for an exam or trying to beat the clock on a job deadline, there are times when you may be tempted to work straight through the night. You probably already know that you won’t feel and function at your best after losing out on sleep. And you should also know that you are yourself and others if you get behind the wheel of a car. But beyond simply making you tired, all-nighters affect your health and performance in ways you may not realize—until it comes back to…
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Sleep Better When Switching Time Zones
Crossing time zones can throw off your body’s internal clock (also known as your circadian rhythm) and interfere with your ability to sleep well. The more time zones you traverse, the more challenging it can be for your body to adjust to the new local time. What’s more, your chances of experiencing sleep difficulties are greater when you travel from west to east, because it’s harder to move your sleep time earlier than it is to delay it. Fortunately, you can use these four steps to reset your body clock when…
Read MoreHow Pregnancy Can Affect Your Dreams
Many women find that their dreams change when pregnant. Dreams can become more intense and vivid, and some women experience an increase in nightmares and dreams that involve anxiety. One possible reason: Pregnancy causes a change in hormone levels, which in turn affects sleep rhythms, leading to new dream patterns. Learn how pregnancy can affect your dreams and how to deal with these changes. New Dream Types Women tend to have more dreams when pregnant. In addition to more vivid dreams, many women report having better dream recall. The content of their…
Read MoreHow to Help a Child with School Anxiety Sleep Well
Sleep problems are common among kids who are anxious or who are making a transition to a new school. They might have trouble with falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up too early or experiencing nightmares, all of which can compound their daytime stress levels. In fact, there’s a two-way street between anxiety and sleep: Kids who don’t get enough sleep or sufficient good-quality sleep are susceptible to developing greater anxiety and depression, and have more trouble adjusting to new circumstances over time. Plus, ongoing sleep problems can take a toll on…
Read More3 Signs Your Mood May Be Affecting Your Sleep
Though it may come as no surprise that people find it harder to fall asleep when they’re emotionally wound up, the relationship between mood disorders and quality sleep is a complex, two-way street. Just as negative mood states can make getting a good night’s sleep a virtual impossibility, frequently interrupted or insufficient sleep can lead to bouts of depression or anxiety. Regardless of which comes first, the end result is that a blue mood and poor sleep go hand-in-hand. Could your mental state be contributing to your slumber troubles? Three easy ways…
Read MoreThe Connection Between Yoga and Better Sleep
Yoga isn’t just beneficial for improving core strength, flexibility, and stress levels; it can also help you sleep better—especially if you suffer from insomnia. When people who have insomnia perform yoga on a daily basis, they sleep for longer, fall asleep faster, and return to sleep more quickly if they wake up in the middle of the night. This is also true for older people who have insomnia—those who are 60 and older experience better sleep quality, sleep for longer, and feel better during the day when they perform regular yoga. This…
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